Fortified Building Program Approved Products from MFM

Fortified Building Program Approved Products from MFM

The Fortified Building Program was established by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) several years ago to help roofing distributors and contractors provide their customers with products that are shown to be “above-code” when it comes to protecting the structure from storm damage.

Incentive to Use Fortified Products

Essentially, owners who build or repair with Fortified products can earn discounts on their insurance premiums, recoup monies in the event of storm damage, and other incentives. Each state has different packages for residential, commercial, and multi-family construction.

Trademark Licensing Agreement

MFM has entered into a Trademark Licensing Agreement with the Fortified Building Program that the following products have been 3rd party, independently tested and comply with the standards set forth by Fortified:

We are proud to offer these products to distributors across the nation to assist builders and homeowners take advantage of the Fortified incentives, if applicable in their area.

The following links can provide more information about the Program:

For more information on the Fortified Building Program, please click HERE.

There is also a good article posted on the Roofing Supply Pro website about the Fortified Building Program. To view, click HERE.